Thursday 4 July 2013

Use Your Common Scentsy!



Now, I know I probably shouldn't advertise a particular brand or item...but it's my blog, so I'm gonna do it. lol  My latest drug of choice, you ask?  It's simple! Well, actually no, it's SCENTSY! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MY SCENTSY!!  For years and years, I've spent shameful amounts of money on scented candles with the hope of making my living space smell like anything from a tropical, coconut grove to an Ontario apple orchard, in mid Fall.  Sometimes I was successful, and other times, I just had a thick tube of scentless wax burning up my time and my money!  Then, in 2010, my world would change forever. When I returned to Canada for a visit, I was introduced to Scentsy.  A Scentsy warmer can come in all sorts of designs and colours to match pretty much any room in your home.  You can buy a mid sized warmer or a full sized warmer.  I have 2 mid sized and they're quite big.  Anyway, the best part is the wide variety of scents that are available AND, it's wickless.  It runs on a very low voltage, so, you can plug that sucker in and leave it without worrying about burning your house down.  Now, I wouldn't suggest leaving it on while you're not at home (although I do all the time), as I'm sure, with anything, there is a hazard.  One of my absolute favourite Scentsy scents is Red Candy Apple.  It is LUSH!  Sweet, sugary, warm, candy apple...yum! ...And no calories!!  I usually use this one in my kitchen.  For hallways, entrance ways, bedrooms, etc., I tend to go for warmer or floral scents.  Lilacs and Violets, Iris Petals, French Kiss, Honeymoon Hideaway are amungst my many, many favourites.  If anyone is interested, I can hook you up with a rep, whether you're in Niagara or here in Essex.  I'm sure Michelle and Rebecca would be more than happy to introduce you to your newest addiction!! lol xx

Anyway, kids...there's my two Scentsy for the day (ba dum dum)...have a great Thursday! xx babiesmumma xx